Photoelectric “electronic tongue”


R@D recombination sensor (photoelectric “electronic tongue”) for food, liquid and biomaterials control

The recombination sensor was developed and patented in collaboration with partners from INSA, Lyon for rapid identification of various liquids and gases. To create a matrix of the chemical sensor we propose to use the dependence of the surface recombination rate on external influences, known in semiconductor physics, in particular, on the adsorption of molecules of the studied substances. Areas with different electronic properties formed on the surface by technological treatment and as a result, they will give different responses to the action of a species in contact with the semiconductor surface. The set of responses (namely light-induced photoelectric signals) is individual to a particular species and can be used for its selective recognition. Improving the selectivity and sensitivity of the sensors is achieved through the use of additional layers of different nanomaterials. In order to improve the efficiency and accuracy of recognition, the obtained data are analyzed by mathematical methods of pattern recognition.


Prof. Valeriy Skryshevsky,

Senior researcher Sergey Litvinenko.

Senior researcher Alexey Kozinets,

Selected publications:

A.V.Kozinetz, S.V.Litvinenko,B.B.Sus, A.I.Manilov, A.S.Topchylo, Alex Rozhin,,V.A.Skryshevsky, Recognition of metallic and semiconductor singlewall carbon nanotubes using the photoelectric method, Sensors and Actuators A: 2021, 332, 113108 (1-8)

Photoelectric “electronic tongue”