Carbon based nanohybrides


Synthesis of carbon based nanohybrides for theranostics

In collaboration with partners from France, Italy, Greece our team participates in projectUltrasmall Nanohybrides for Advanced Theranostics (UNAT) in the frame of Horizon 2020 program. This project is a continuation of our work that was carried out previously within the framework of European programs with partners from France, UK and Israel. UNAT aims is at a systematic interdisciplinary study of metal-carbon nanohybrides (NHs) for advanced theranostic application. It is developed the innovative approaches for synthesis and multi-functional application of ultra-small (<10 nm) carbon-based NHs functionalized with various metal atoms for diagnostics and therapy of cancer. In particular, carbon cores of NHs will be chemically synthesized from biomasses and bio-wastes. Extremely rich physico-chemical properties of the NHs will allow their application as universal multi-modal (MRI, X-ray, Fluorescence, Photoacoustic) bio-imaging agents and determine the most acceptable treatment conditions based on electromagnetic exposure to effectively block the development of tumors.


Prof. Valeriy Skryshevsky,


  • «Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) H2020-MSCA-RISE-2015» #690945“Carbon-based nanomaterials for theranostic application” (CARTHER), 2016-2019.
  • «Marie Skłodowska-Curie Actions Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) H2020-MSCA-RISE-2020» #101008159, Ultrasmall Nanohybrides for Advanced Theranostics ” (UNAT), 2021-2025.

Selected publications:

  • Kateryna Dubyk, Tatiana Borisova, Konstantin Paliienko, Natalia Krisanova, Mykola Isaiev, Sergei Alekseev, Valeriy Skryshevsky, Vladimir Lysenko and Alain Geloen, Bio‑distribution of Carbon Nanoparticles Studied by Photoacoustic Measurements, Nanoscale Research Letters (2022) 17:127.
  • Gauhar Mussabek, Nazym Zhylkybayeva, Ivan Lysenko , Pavlo O. Lishchuk , Saule Baktygerey, Dana Yermukhamed , Yerzhan Taurbayev , Gani Sadykov, Alexander N. Zaderko, Valeriy A. Skryshevsky, Vladyslav V. Lisnyak and Vladimir Lysenko,Photo- and Radiofrequency -Induced Heating of Photoluminescent Colloidal Carbon Dots, Nanomaterials 2022, 12, 2426.
  • Olga V. Tsymbalyuk, Tamara L. Davydovska, Anna M. Naumenko, Ivan S. Voiteshenko, Stanislav P. Veselsky, Alex Y. Nyporko, Anastasiia Y. Pidhaietska, Mariya S. Kozolup & Valeriy A. Skryshevsky , Mechanisms of regulation of motility of the gastrointestinal tract and the hepatobiliary system under the chronic action of nanocolloids, Scientific Reports (2023) 13:3823
Carbon based nanohybrides