Laboratory of ultra-high frequency methods and devices

The Laboratory of “Microwave Methods and Devices” is engaged in the development of principles and techniques for measuring ultra-high-frequency electrodynamic properties of various materials, which are required for the development of microwave electronics. Basic research is carried out in the millimeter wavelength range, in which, in particular, frequency resources are currently being allocated for cellular communication of the 5th and subsequent generations, materials are being developed for Stealth technologies and protection against electronic weapons. The laboratory also conducts research on the impact of electromagnetic radiation on biological objects. The laboratory’s scientists solve fundamental and applied problems in cooperation with specialists of the Physical Materials Science of Solid State Research Institute of the Physics Faculty, the Department of Physical Chemistry of the Chemistry Faculty, and the Institute of Biology and Medicine NSC. Research results of the “UHF Methods and Devices” laboratory have been published in a number of highly rated journals and monographs included in the Scopus and Web of Science databases. The scientific grants received together with the specialists of the NDL “Physical Materials Science of Solids” made it possible to update the material base of the laboratory.

The composition of the laboratory:

  • Head of the laboratory, Ph.D. V.V. Oliynyk
  • Associate Professor, Ph.D.-
  • M.Sc. V.V. Zagorodniy
  • Associate Professor, Ph.D.-
  • M.Sc. Launets V.L.
  • Prov. Eng. N.O. Fatkova
  • Students performing bachelor’s and master’s qualification works

The list of current tasks that are being worked on in the laboratory:

  • Research in the microwave range of the characteristics of nanostructured composite materials for the development of effective protection against electromagnetic radiation.
  • Research of molecular complexes with spin crossover effect, perovskites, other materials with phase transitions and composites based on them.
  • Research on the impact of microwave radiation on biological objects, including cellular communication bands of promising generations.