Tsymbaliuk O. V.



Account (profile) in scientometric databases:


ORSID: 0000-0002-4524-7627

Award of the President of Ukraine for young scientists in 2003
DepartmentMolecular Biotechnology and Bioinformatics
Scientific degree (degree, specialty)Doctor of Science in Biology
Academic degreedocent
PublicationsPrylutsky Yu.I., Ilchenko O.V., Tsymbalyuk O.V., Kosterin S.O. Textbook "Statistical methods in biology", Kyiv, "Scientific opinion", 2017, 216 p. Davydovska T.L., Tsymbalyuk O.V., Hrabchuk H.P. I.S. Voyteshenko Fedorenko T.V. Naumenko A.M. Latyshenko L.A. Physics of biosystems in formulas, terms, schemes. Kyiv, Publishing House of CP "KOMPRINT" 2017, 210 st. Davidovska T.L., Grabchuk G.P., Tsymbalyuk O.V., Nuryshchenko N.E., Voyteshenko I.C., Nyporko O.Yu., Naumenko A.M., Fedorenko T.V. Methodological developments according to the modular rating system of training in the discipline "Electrobiophysics" for students of the Faculty of Physics (specialization in laser and optoelectronic technology) // In-vo "CPU "COMPRINT", 2017, 65 p. Davidovska T.L., Tsymbalyuk O.V., Yakunov A.V., Voyteshenko I.S., Nyporko O.Yu., Fedorenko T.V., Naumenko A.M. Methodological developments according to the modular rating system of teaching in the discipline "Physics of biosystems" for students of the physics faculty (specialty laser and optoelectronic technology) // In-vo "CPU "COMPRINT", 2016, 64 p. Davydovska T.L., Tsymbalyuk O.V., Voyteshenko I.C., Nyporko O.Yu., Fedorenko T.V. Methodical developments according to the modular rating system of teaching in the discipline "Physics of Biosystems" and seminar classes "Modern Problems of Optics" for students of the Faculty of Physics. Davydovska T.L., Tsymbalyuk O.V., Martyniuk V.S., Shelyuk O.V. Methodological developments according to the modular rating system of training in the discipline under the block "Biophysical methods of research. Electrobiophysics" for students of the biological faculty // In-vo LLC "Modern printing technologies "Bavok", 2011, 62 p. Davydovska T.L., Tsymbalyuk O.V., Martynyuk V.S., Melenevska N.V. Methodological developments according to the modular rating system of training in the discipline "Biophysics of Sensory Systems" for students of the Faculty of Biology // In-vo LLC "Modern Printing Technologies "Bavok", 2011, 46 p. Nozdrenko D.M., Davydovska T.L., Miroshnychenko M.S., Tsimbalyuk O.V. Educational manual "Radiation biophysics" // K.: VOC "Intertechno-druk", 2006, 163 p. Tsymbalyuk O.V., Davydovska T.L., Miroshnychenko M.S. Study guide "Biophysics of complex systems" for students of the Faculty of Biology // K.: VOC "Fitosociotsiocentr", 2006, 126 p. Davidovska T.L., Miroshnychenko M.S., Zholos O.V., Prylutskyi Y.I., Tsymbalyuk O.V., Melenevska N.V. Methodological developments according to the modular rating principle of organizing the educational process "Biophysical methods of research. Electrobiophysics" for students of the Faculty of Biology // K.: VOC "Phytosociotsentr", 2006, 52 p. Davydovska T.L., Miroshnychenko M.S., Zholos O.V., Prylutskyi Yu.I., Tsymbalyuk O.V., Lyakhovetskyi R.V. Study guide "Biophysics. Special workshop on electrobiophysics" // K.: VOC "Phytosociotsentr", 2006, 138 p. Tsymbalyuk O.V., Davydovska T.L., Miroshnychenko M.S., Nozdrenko D.M. Methodological developments according to the modular rating principle of organizing the educational process "Biophysical bases of regulation of complex systems" for students of the Faculty of Biology // K.: VOC "Phytosociotsentr", 2006, 48 p. Tsymbalyuk O.V., Miroshnychenko M.S., Nozdrenko D.M. Study guide "Computer modeling of biophysical processes" for students of the Department of Biophysics of the Faculty of Biology // K.: VOC "Veta copy service", 2005, 130 p. Prylutskyi Y.I., Bogutska K.I., Zaloilo I.A., Ogloblya O.V., Tsymbalyuk O.V., Miroshnychenko M.S. Methodological instructions for the course "Informatics" for students of the Faculty of Biology // Kyiv, Publishing Center "Kyiv University", 2002, 67 pp. A. M. Naumenko, L. M. Shapoval, T. L. Davydovska, I. S. Voiteshenko, A. Yu. Nyporko, O. V. Tsymbalyuk, V. F. Sagach Molecular Docking of Phenylethylamine and CGP54626 to an Extracellular Domain of the GABAB-Receptor, Neurophysiology, Vol. 50, No. 4, 2018, DOI 10.1007/s11062- 018-9743-1 O. V. Tsymbalyuk Kinetics of relaxation of rat myometrium in conditions of inhibition of plasma membrane calcium pump and systems of active Ca2+ transport of intracellular Ca2+-depot, Biol. Stud., 2018: 12(2); 3–12 · DOI: https://doi.org/10.30970/sbi.1202.565 A. M. Naumenko, L. M. Shapoval, A. Yu. Nyporko, I. S Voiteshenko, O. V. Tsymbalyuk, V. F. Sagach, T. L. Davydovska Computer Simulation of Molecular Interaction Between Baclofen and the GABAB Receptor, Neurophysiology. 2017, Volume 49, Issue 1, pp 2–7 A. M. Naumenko, L. M. Shapoval, O. Yu. Nyporko, I. S. Voyteshenko, O. V. Tsimbalyuk, V. F. Sagach, T. L. Davydovska Modeling of the molecular interaction of baclofen and the GABA receptor Neurophysiology / Neurophysiology.—2017.—T. 49, No. 1, Art. 3 – 8 Olga V. Tsymbalyuk, Anna M. Naumenko, Oleksandr O. Rohovtsov, Mykola A. Skoryk, Ivan S. Voiteshenko, Valeriy A. Skryshevsky, Tamara L. Davydovska Titanium Dioxide Modulation of the Contractibility of Visceral Smooth Muscles In Vivo. Nanoscale Research Letters. - 2017; 12:129 Naumenko A.M., Nyporko A.Yu., Tsymbalyuk O.V., Nuryshchenko N.Ye., Voiteshenko I.S., Davidovska T L. Molecular docking of nanosized titanium dioxide material to the extracellular part of GABAB-receptor // Studia Biologica - 2016. - Volume 10, #3-4 – C.5-16. Tsymbalyuk O.V. The effect of calixarene C-99 on the contractile activity of the muscles of the large intestine of rats // Biological Studies / Studia Biologica - 2016. - Volume 10, No. 3-4 - C.33-46. Tsymbalyuk O.V., Naumenko A.M., Skoryk M.A., Nyporko A.Y., Davidovska T.L., Skryshevsky V.A. Histamine- and nicotine-stimulated modulations of mechanical activity of smooth muscles in the gastrointestinal tract at the impact of nanosized TiO2 material // Biopolymers & Cell. - 2016. - V. 32, Issue 2. - P.140-149. Naumenko A.M., Nyporko A.Yu., Tsymbalyuk O.V., Golius A., Shapoval L.M., Davidovska T.L. Three-dimensional reconstruction of a full-size GABAB receptor // Neurophysiology. – 2015. – 5. – R. 44-53. Tsymbalyuk O.V., Naumenko A.M., Nyporko O.Yu., Davydovska T.L., Skryshevskyi V.A. Excitation-inhibition of smooth muscles of the stomach during interaction with the nanosized material of titanium dioxide // Reports of the National Academy of Sciences of Ukraine. – 2015. - No. 10. - P. 85 – 92.
Conferences1. O.V. Tsymbalyuk, A.M. Naumenko, T.L. Davydovska Nanoscale materials as modulators of the contractile function of smooth muscles of the gastrointestinal tract / VII Congress of the Ukrainian Biophysical Society, October 29-31, 2018.
2. A.M. Naumenko, A. Yu. Nyporko, O.V. Tsymbalyuk, I.S. Voiteshenko, T.L. Davidovska The analysis of potential binding sites of TiO2 nanoparticles docked to the extracellular part of GABAB1a V international scientific and practical conference "Nanotechnologies and nanomaterials". August 23-26, 2017, Chernivtsi.
3. A.M. Naumenko, L.M. Shapoval, T.L. Davydovska, I.S. Voiteshenko, A.Yu. Nyporko, A.V. Tsymbalyuk, V.F. Sagach Analysis of GABAB receptor antagonists' binding sites, Third Kyiv International Symposium "Smooth Muscles Physiology, Biophysics&Pharmacology: from genes and molecules to functions, disorders and the novel treatment opportunities". September 18 - 22, 2017, Kyiv - Lutsk.