Драган Анатолій Іванович anatoliy_dragan@knu.ua Акаунт (профіль) в наукометричних базах даних: Scopus |
Посада | професор |
Кафедра | Кафедра молекулярної біотехнології та біоінформатики |
Науковий ступінь (ступінь, спеціальність) | кандидат біологічних наук |
Вчене звання | доцент |
Публікації | Books and chapters: 1. Crane-Robinson, C., Dragan, A. I. and Read, C. M. (2009) Defining the Thermodynamics of Protein/DNA Complexes and Micro-calorimetry. Chapter in book: Methods in Molecular Biology, 543, 625-651. 2. Favicchio, R., Dragan, A. I., Kneale, G and Read C. M. (2009) Fluorescence Spectroscopy and Anisotropy in the Analysis of DNA-Protein Interactions. Chapter in book: Methods in Molecular Biology, 543, 589-611. 3. Dragan, A. I. & Privalov, P. L. (2008) Use of fluorescence energy transfer (FRET) in studying protein-induced DNA bending (Review). Chapter in book: Methods in Enzymology, Fluorescence Spectroscopy, volume 450, 185-199. 4. Privalov, P.L & Dragan. A.I. (2007) Heat capacity microcalorimetry in studying the energetic bases of proteins and their complexes. Chapter in Protein Structures: Methods in Protein Structure and Stability Analysis. ; Ed. V. Uversky, Nova Science Publisher, Inc. NY. Papers: 5. Dragan A.I., Read Ch., Crane-Robinson C., Heat Capacity Changes Reveal Hydration Differences between the Major and Minor Grooves of DNA. Eur Biophys J., 2018 (in press). 6. Dragan A.I., Read Ch., Crane-Robinson C., Enthalpy-entropy compensation: the role of solvation. Eur Biophys J., Biophysics of Structure and Mechanism 2017, 46(4), 301-308. 7. Mykuliak V., Dragan A.I. and Kornelyuk O.I., Structural states of flexible catalytic loop of M. tuberculosis tyrosyl-tRNA synthetase in different enzyme-substrate complexes. Eur. Biophys J., 2014. Vol.43, N12, p.613-622. 8. Mali, B., Dragan, A.I., Karolin, J. and Geddes, C.D. (2013) Photophysical characterization and a-type delayed luminescence of rapidly prepared Au clusters. J.Phys.Chem. C, 117, 16650-16657. 9. Dragan, AI., Mali, B., and Geddes, CD., (2013). Wavelength-dependent Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence using synchronous spectral analysis, Chemical Physics Letters, 556, 168-172. 10. Dragan, A.I., Pavlovic, R., McGivney, J.B., Casas-Finet, J.R., Bishop, E.S., Strouse, R.J., Schenerman, M.A., Geddes, C.D. (2012) SYBR Green I: Fluorescence Properties and Interaction with DNA. J. Fluorescence, 22(4), 1189-1199. 11. Dragan, A.I., Albrecht, M.T., Pavlovic, R., Keane-Myers, A.M. and Geddes, C.D. (2012) Ultra-Fast pg/ml Anthrax toxin (PA) detection assay based on Microwave Accelerated Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence, Analytical Chemistry, 425(1), 54-61. 12. Dragan, A.I. and Geddes, C.D. (2011) Excitation Volumetric Effect (EVE) in Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence. Physical Chemistry Chemical Physics, 13, 3831-3838. 13. Privalov, P.L., Dragan, A.I. and Crane-Robinson, C.R. (2011) Interpreting protein/DNA interactions: distinguishing specific from non-specific and electrostatic from non-electrostatic components. Nucleic Acid Research, Survey and Summary, 39(7), 2483-2491. 14. Dragan, A.I., Casas-Finet, J.R., Bishop, E.S., Strouse, R.J., Schenerman, M.A. and Geddes, C.D. (2010) Characterization of PicoGreen interaction with dsDNA and the origin of its fluorescence enhancement upon binding. Biophysical Journal, 99 (9), 3010-3019. 15. Dragan, A. I. Russel, D.J. and Privalov, P. L. (2009) DNA Hydration Studied by Pressure Perturbation Scanning Microcalorimetry, Biopolymers. 91(1):95-101. |
Проекти | Selected Grants: • Principal Investigator. “Structure and Function of the Chromosomal Activator Protein HMG1” funded by the European Union INTAS Program (INTAS-94-0280), 1997-1998. • Research Scientist. “Forces stabilizing protein structure” supported by National Institute of Health Grant (NIH Grant GM48036-10), USA, 2001-2004. • Co-Principal Investigator on the project “Energetics of DNA recognition by the bZIP transcription factors” supported by the National Science Foundation (NSF Grant MCB0519381), USA, 2005-2008. • Investigator on the project “Ultra Fast DNA quantitation assays” supported by MedImmune LLC, USA, 2008 – 2011. • Investigator on the project “Stability and self-association of IgG proteins”, supported by MedImmune LLC, USA, 2009 – 2013. • Investigator on the project “Ultra-Fast and Ultra-Sensitive Anthrax toxin detection assay based on Microwave-Accelerated Metal-Enhanced Fluorescence (MAMEF-ELISA)” supported by the Biological Defense Research Directorate,USA, 2009 – 2013. |
Конференції |