We are working on “Electronic tutorial and virtual laboratories development” .

Distance Learning in Ukraine is becoming more accessible to an increasing number of students and is acquiring an independent value at obtaining degree in various fields of knowledge. Submission of laboratory activities by the students is the problem to be solved. Remote labs, integrated into the learning management system (LMS) of an educational institution that provide real time access to a real lab environment could help solve the problem. This method allows learners to operate equipment remotely to work with the labware at home or from another university and provide research in real-time mode. Tutoring in student groups with the use of remote labs allows to reach an identical level of knowledge compared to students who executed lab activities students in a conventional way.

First, virtual simulators should be created, and on their basis, remotely executed laboratory activities. Such a sequence enables parallel realization of lab activity in a conventional way and remotely, that allows one et appropriate experience for remote lab implementation. There is a gradual progression from the automation of PC-based laboratory activity to conducting of remote lab activity. Therefore, remote labs can be easily integrated into the existing educational process. Problems caused by organization are the most complicated.

In order to organize remote lab activity a special lab should be created. Remote lab activity tasks, virtual simulators and methodology materials should be developed. Students obtain real time access to the laboratory. The use of an open source code allows the creation of a shared database for processing data obtained at virtual and remote labs.

The computer demonstrations as important didactic means at study of physics in systems of electronic education can be introduced by the simulation of physical process by the means of animation and video of real experiment. The special efficiency marks association of computer simulation with video.

The development of electronic tutorial in physics has its specific features, because the description of physical phenomena requires formalization, application of mathematical terminology, and development of dimensional imagination, modelling, and understanding of dynamics of physical processes. Electronic tutorial gives the ability to full accomplish these tasks. Other features of electronic tutorial are the following: complicated geometrical imaging of physical processes; mathematical proving, demonstration of physical processes.

In physic’s tutorials graphic images are frequently used. They are logically composed, supplemented and, as a result, look quite complicated and hard to understand in traditional imagination. The computer gives an opportunity to simplify and to make this process visual due to the gradual complication of the exposure especially when the previous images are being saved and the following ones are increasingly complicated.

Proving can be managed in the same way. Doing a proving one uses physical laws, applies theorems, refers to the previous conclusions, makes the replacement of value, recalls functional connections, formula, etc.

If the exposure is alone on the board the written formulas are wiped down and thus the visual clearness is lost. There are no such problems in the electronic tutorial. Moreover, there is some opportunity of visualization of the process of proving. It’s possible to demonstrate replacements of values in the formula by the means of replacement or colour change, to refer to this or that law, etc.

In the course of physics there are some chapters that require a developed imagination, thinking, and capacity to analyse and to compare. Therefore, a major help here can be animation. While every image in the tutorial explains proper physical effect, there is an opportunity of watching it in an animated variant.

Demonstration has a major value for comprehension of physical processes. However in the absence of a possibility of carrying out real demonstrations, the computer provides conditions of their replacement by modeling physical processes, dynamically showed which also assist visualization and understanding of a material. We are planning to extend our experience in these fields and collaborate with european specialists for the purpose of scientific and cultural exchange.