The scientific work of the department is aimed at the study of low-dimensional and nanosystems. Teachers and employees of the department work in the areas of near-field physics, low-dimensional electronic, magnetic, and atomic systems. Employees of the department are actively working researchers with experience of scientific work in foreign universities.

The main directions of scientific work at the department

  1. Physics of nanosystems and nanocomposites
  • Theory of optical properties of thin nanocomposite films with different distribution of nanoinclusions along the film thickness
  • Study of the interaction between nanosystems and biological objects (development of antiviral therapy methods using nanoparticle preparations and nanostructured surfaces)
  • Obtaining subsurface conductive layers in semiconductors by the method of surface irradiation with medium-energy ions. Research of transport properties in such structures.

     2. Physics of low-dimensional electronic, atomic and spin system

  • Latest states of matter in low-dimensional systems
  • Quantum spin liquids are materials in which quantum entangled states are realized