Educational program: Applied physics, nanoelectronics and computer technologies

Specialty: 105 Applied physics and nanomaterials

The department provides the main part of elective courses of the block “nanophysics and nanoelectronics” of the educational program “Applied physics, nanoelectronics and computer technologies” (specialty 105 – Applied physics and nanomaterials).

The scientific work of the department is aimed at the study of various physical effects that occur in micro- and nanoscale structures, as well as the application of these effects for the creation of new micro- and nanoelectronics devices, the development of promising nanotechnologies. Rresearch at the department is carried out along three lines:

Educational program: Applied physics, nanoelectronics and computer technologies

Specialty: 105 Applied physics and nanomaterials

The department provides the main part of the courses of the selective unit “nanophysics and nanoelectronics” of the educational program “Applied physics, nanoelectronics and computer technologies” (specialty 105 – Applied physics and nanomaterials). The teachers of the department provide courses of the educational programs “Electronics and information technologies in medicine”, “Economic physics”, (specialty 105 – Applied physics and nanomaterials), “Information security of telecommunication systems and networks” (specialty 172 – Telecommunications and radio engineering), “Computer engineering “computer systems and networks” (specialty 123 – Computer engineering).

The main academic subjects taught by the teachers of the department:

  • Physics and technology at low temperatures
  • Digital signals and communication
  • Fundamentals of physics and nanoelectronics
  • Cryogenic electronics
  • Statistical optics
  • Microwave electrodynamics
  • Microwave technology and electronics
  • and others.

The laboratory practicum on microwave technology and cryogenic electronics are unique in Ukraine.