Разумова Маргарита Анатоліївна razumova.m@knu.ua Акаунт (профіль) в наукометричних базах даних: Scopus |
Посада | доцент |
Кафедра | Кафедра теоретичних основ високих технологій |
Науковий ступінь (ступінь, спеціальність) | кандидат фізико-математичних наук |
Вчене звання | доцент |
Публікації | Lozovski V. Z., Razumova M. A. Optical response of thin nanocomposite films with transverse inhomogeneity, Physica B: Condensed Matter, Vol. 545C, pp. 420-432, 2018 Lozovski V. Z., Razumova M. A., Vasiliev T. A. Electrodynamic Configurational Resonances in Nanocomposite Thin Films. Plasmonics, Vol.13, Issue 2, pp 545–553, 2018 Lozovski V., Razumova M. Influence of inclusions shape on light absorption in thin Au/Teflon nanocomposite films, Journal of the Optical Society of America B, Vol. 33, Issue 1, pp. 8-16, 2016 Lozovski V., Razumova M. Plasmon resonances for biospecific interactions sensing, Journal of Photonic Materials and Technology, Vol. 1, No. 2, pp. 33-39, 2015 Lozovski V., Razumova M., Strilchuk G. Self-consistent approach to calculation of the optical response and absorption profiles of thin nanocomposite films, Plasmonics 10, issue 6, pp. 1779-1789, 2015 Razumova M.A., Dmitruk I.M. Splitting of Plasmon Frequency in Spherical Metal Nanoparticles in Anisotropic Medium, Plasmonics 8, issue 4, pp. 1699-1706, 2013 Razumova M.A., Khotyaintsev V.N. Polarized Light Absorption in Direct-Gap Semiconductors Related to Bound States in a Long-Range Deformation Potential of Dislocations,Physica Status Solidi(b), 210, No.2, p.791-796, 1998. Razumova M.A., Khotyaintsev V.N. Bound Hole States in Direct-Gap Semiconductors with Screw Dislocations,Physica Status Solidi(b), 188, No.2, P.751-760, 1995. Razumova M.A., Khotyaintsev V.N. Polarization of dislocation absorption and luminescence in direct gap semiconductors with edge dislocations,Physica Status Solidi (b), 174, No.1, p.165-174, 1992. |
Проекти | Lozovski V., Razumova M. Optical response of thin nanocomposite film with inhomogeneous distribution of inclusions, the First International Conference on Optics, Photonics and Lasers (OPAL 2018), Barcelona, Spain, pp. 211-214, 2018. Lozovski V., Razumova M. The Effective Susceptibility Concept. Implementation for Nanocomposite Systems and Sensing. 2016 Progress in Electromagnetic Research Symposium (PIERS), pp. 2708 – 2712, 2016 Lozovski V., Razumova M., Vasiliev T. Configurational resonances in nanocomposite thin films electrodynamics. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Mathematical Methods in Electromagnetic Theory (MMET), pp. 218 - 221 Lozovski V., Razumova M., Vasiliev T. Light absorption of nanocomposite thin films, Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO), 2016 IEEE 36th International Conference on, pp. 113-117, 2016 Lozovski V., Razumova M. The local field effects in optical response of nanocomposite thin films. An implementation in sensorics of biospecific interactions, Electronics and Nanotechnology (ELNANO), 2015 IEEE 35th International Conference on, pp. 333-336, 2015 |
Конференції |