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Комаров Ігор Володимирович igor.komarov@knu.ua Акаунт (профіль) в наукометричних базах даних: Scopus Wikipedia Georg Forster Research Award (2015) Merited Figure of Science and Technology of Ukraine (2016) |
Посада | директор інституту високих технологій |
Кафедра | Кафедра супрамолекулярної хімії |
Науковий ступінь (ступінь, спеціальність) | доктор хімічних наук |
Вчене звання | професор |
Публікації | 1. Stephan L. Grage, Marc-Antoine Sani, Olivier Cheneval, Sónia Troeira Henriques, Constantin Schalck, Ralf Heinzmann, Joshua S. Mylne, Pavel K. Mykhailiuk, Sergii Afonin, Igor V. Komarov, Frances Separovic, David J. Craik, Anne S. Ulrich. Orientation and Location of the Cyclotide Kalata B1 in Lipid Bilayers Revealed by Solid-State NMR. Biophys. J., 112, 630–642, 2017.
2. S.O. Kokhan, A.V. Tymtsunik, S.L. Grage, S. Afonin, O. Babii, M. Berditsch, A.V. Strizhak, D. Bandak, M.O. Platonov, I.V. Komarov, A.S. Ulrich, P.K. Mykhailiuk, Design, synthesis, and application of an optimized monofluorinated aliphatic label for peptide studies by solid-state 19F NMR spectroscopy. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed. 55,14788-14792, 2016. 3. Oleg Babii, Sergii Afonin, Liudmyla V. Garmanchuk, Viktoria V. Nikulina, Tetiana V. Nikolaienko, Olha V. Storozhuk, Dmytro V. Shelest, Olga I. Dasyukevich, Liudmyla I. Ostapchenko, Volodymyr Iurchenko, Sergey Zozulya, Anne S. Ulrich, Igor V. Komarov. Direct Photocontrol of Peptidomimetics: An Alternative to Oxygen-Dependent Photodynamic Cancer Therapy. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 55, 5493 – 5496, 2016. 4. Igor V. Komarov, Stanislav Yanik, Aleksandr Yu. Ishchenko, John E. Davies, Jonathan M. Goodman, Anthony J. Kirby. The Most Reactive Amide As a Transition-State Mimic For cis−trans Interconversion. J. Am. Chem. Soc., 137, 926−930, 2015. 5. Vitaliy Bilenko, Anke Spannenberg, Wolfgang Baumann, Igor Komarov, Armin Börner. New chiral monodentate phospholane ligands by highly stereoselective hydrophosphination. Tetrahedron: Asymmetry, 17, 2082–2087, 2006. 6. Anthony J. Kirby, Igor V. Komarov, Peter D.Wothers, Neil Feeder. The Most Twisted Amide: Structure and Reactions. Angew. Chem. Int. Ed., 37, 785-786, 1998. |
Проекти | 1. “Peptidomimetics with Photocontrolled Biological Activity”, Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Staff Exchange (RISE) Project (acronim PELICO), started in 2016. The Project Consortium: Enamine LLC (Ukraine), Chemistry Department of the University of Cambridge (United Kingdom), Latvian Institute of Organic Synthesis (Latvia), Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (Germany) (http://pelico.org/). The expertise, resources and specific knowledge of all Consortium Institutions is combined to achieve a breakthrough in design, synthesis and application of peptide analogues (peptidomimetics) possessing photo-controlled biological activities, with special emphasis on anti-microbial and anti-cancer activities. Role in the Project: coordinator (ongoing). 2. “Selective Agonists For Serotonin Receptors”, Horizon 2020 European Industrial Doctorates (EID) Project (acronim SAFER), started in 2017. The Project Consortium: Enamine LLC (Ukraine), Copenhagen University (Denmark), Saromics Biostructures AB (Sweden) (http://www.safer-itn.eu/research/). SAFER is the first European research platform to gain a molecular understanding and improve selectivity in stimulation of the serotonin 5-HT2A receptor – the primary target for many CNS-related disorders and hallucinogens. SAFER will design and prepare ligands for the receptor, generate and cross-interpret pharmacology and crystallographic data, and construct computational mechanistic models and databases. The SAFER network comprises five PhD students in pharmacology, chemistry, crystallography, computational drug design and scientific database development; first receiving 1-1,5 years joint training at the University of Copenhagen (Denmark) followed by industrial research at Enamine (Kiev, Ukraine) or SARomics (Lund, Sweden). Role in the Project: manager (ongoing). 3. „Photosensitive, fluorescent and fluorine-containing biologically active peptidomimetics for novel approaches in diagnostic and therapy”. An applied research financed by the Ukrainian State budget, state register number: 0116U004755, the work is carried out in Taras Shevchenko National University of Kyiv starting from 2016. Role in the Project: manager (ongoing). 4. ”Synthesis and study of small antimicrobial peptides containing conformationally constrained arginine analogues”, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Group Linkage Program 3.4 - Fokoop - DEU/1136332, 01.07.2010 – 30.06.2013, the partner - Leibniz- Institut für Molekulare Pharmakologie Berlin (Germany). A collaboration with the German colleagues in the area of antimicrobial peptides as novel drug candidates. Role in the Project: coordinator (successfully completed). 5. “Accessing the structure of cell-penetrating peptides with rigid fluoro-substituted proline analogues as 19F-NMR labels”, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation Research Partnership Program 3 Fokoop DEU/1054096, 01.01.2006-31.12.2008, the partners - University of Karlsruhe (Germany) and Research Center Karlsruhe (Germany). This Collaboration Project was directed to studies of cell-penetrating peptides by NMR using fluorine-substituted amino acids as the labels. Role in the Project: coordinator (successfully completed). |
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